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My Final Post ðŸ˜¦

It feels like just yesterday we were discussing Proust and madeleines… Funnily enough, the first volume of In Search of Lost Time was actually my favorite text we read during this class. I loved how immersive the prose was. The entire text had a dreamlike feel, reminding me strongly of what it was like to…

Journalism Through the Looking-Glass: Money to Burn

I found reading Ricardo Piglia’s Money to Burn a fragmented experience. Because the book is told largely through newspaper reports and secret police recordings, but also through details the author is almost certainly taking creative liberties with, I was unsure how much of the book was fiction and how much wasn’t. I also for some…

That Was Uncomfortable But I Still Enjoyed It – My Experience Reading The Lover

Because The Lover is the shortest of the texts I’ve read for this course so far, I spent less time reading it and more time reflecting on it. In reflecting on it, I found myself focusing on the rather banal theme of objectification—banal because it’s one of the most obvious themes to connect to a…

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